Friday, February 13, 2009

Ways that we like to love on our...

-Say things like "I love being your mom"
-Each child has a special nickname
-Sing the song "My Girl(s)" using my daughters' names
-My child makes me smile and laugh
-I tell my daughter "I love you!" and she always responds "I love you more mommy!"
-"Family kiss time" All three of us kiss at the same time.
-Make up songs about how much I love him with my son.
-At the end of the day, I like to tell my son, "My favorite part of the day with you today was..."

-Say things like "I love being your wife"
-Sit after the kids are asleep and east an adult snack (like brie & crackers and wine)
-Leave notes to each other each day
-Call my man throughout the day to just say "I love you"
-Surprise him with an "It's all about you!" evening, full of his favorite things


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